Myrmecia brevinoda
Myrmecia brevinoda
Diese Art lebt in trockenen, buschigen Habitaten, aber auch in lichten Wäldern.
This species can be found in dry forests and bushlands.
Subfamily: Myrmeciinae
Tribe: Myrmeciini
Genus: Myrmecia
Fabricius, 1804
Species: Myrmecia brevinoda Forel, 1910
General information
Description: Brown, gaster black
Worker length: 17 – 26 mm
Queen length: 24 - 30 mm
Colony: Monogyne
Colony founding: Semiclaustral
Nest: Nest in soil with large mound
Nest size: Large, sometimes a few thousand workers
Lifespan (colony): Unknown
Hibernation: Maybe
Activity pattern: Diurnal
Care requirements
Climate: Subtropical
Temperature: 24 – 26 °C
Humidity: 50 - 60 %
Arena: Dry
Nest: Maintain a damp and a dry end
Food: Sugar solutions, small insects and spiders
Enclosure: Large glass tank or terrarium
Substrate: Sand or loamy sand
Enclosure fit-out: Leaf litter, branches and roots, rocks, bark, vegetation optional, water- and sugar solution bowls
Lebensraum /Natural habitat
Lebensweise/Habits and biology
Myrmecia brevinoda suchen am Boden und auch auf Bäumen und anderer Vegetation nach Nahrung.
Die Arbeiterinnen dieser Art zeigen einen deutlichen Größen-Polymorphismus. Die kleinen Arbeiterinnen kümmern sich im Nest meistens um die Brut, während die Größeren draussen nach Nahrung suchen.
Die Larven dieser Art sind äusserst kannibalisch und fressen häufig Eier und kleinere Larven die sich in ihrer Reichweite befinden.
Es sind aggressive Ameisen die sofort ihr Nest verteidigen.
Myrmecia brevinoda searches actively for food on the ground and on trees and other vegetation.
The workers of this species show a distinct size-polymorphism. The smaller workers tending the brood inside of the nest, the larger ones foraging outside for food.
Cannibalism of larvae is very strong developed in Myrmecia brevinoda, large larvae often consume nearby eggs and smaller larvae.
They are aggressive and will defend their nest.