Myrmecia desertorum


Diese Art findet man im trockenen Landesinneren.

This species can be found in the arid inland of Australia.



Subfamily: Myrmeciinae

Tribe: Myrmeciini

Genus: Myrmecia

Fabricius, 1804

Species: Myrmecia desertorum (Wheeler, 1915)

General information

Description: Reddish yellow, gaster and head black, mandibles, labrum and clypeus yellow

Worker length: 18 – 26 mm

Queen length: 24 - 30 mm

Colony: Monogyne

Colony founding: Semiclaustral

Nest: Nest in soil with large mound

Nest size: Unknown

Lifespan (colony): over 6 Years

Hibernation: No

Activity pattern: Crepuscular and nocturnal

Care requirements

Climate: Arid

Temperature: 20 – 26 °C

Humidity: 50 - 60 %

Arena: Dry

Nest: Maintain a damp and a dry end

Food: Sugar solutions, insects and spiders

Enclosure: Large glass tank or terrarium

Substrate: Sand or loamy sand

Enclosure fit-out: Leaf litter, branches or roots, rocks, bark, vegetation optional, water- and sugar solution bowls

Lebensraum /Natural habitat

Lebensweise/Habits and biology

Wie viele andere Arten in der australischen Wüste, ist auch Myrmecia desertorum nachtaktiv um der Tageshitze zu entgehen, bei kühlem und bedeckten Wetter furagieren sie aber auch am Tag. Diese Art sucht hauptsächlich am Boden noch Nahrung und ist nicht so häufig auf Vegetation anzutreffen.

Die Nester sind mit einem großen, oft mit Pflanzenmaterial bedeckten Hügel versehen und werden aggressiv verteidigt.

Myrmecia desertorum are nocturnal as many species of the arid zones of Australia are, thus avoiding the heat of the day. Only at wet and overcast wetter conditions may they also forage during daytime.

They search manly on the ground for food.

The nests are covered with a large mound, often decorated with plant material and large numbers of workers will aggressively defend it if disturbed.